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April Amazon Kindle Deals

Welcome to April, my birthday month and usually a month I love. This year, however, it’s one I’m sure we’ll all remember for less favourable reasons. For those of you working in essential jobs, medical staff, hospital cleaning staff, employees of food shops and chemists and volunteers, thank you! For everyone else who is able to do their bit by staying at home and staying safe, like me we need to keep our minds and bodies as active as we can. And what better way to escape these surreal times than to lose yourself in a book!

My amazing publisher One More Chapter Books has a list of brilliant books in UK/US Kindle Monthly Deals for April including (I’m thrilled to say) two of mine: Mrs Boots  & The Poppy Field 

Here is a link Noelle Holten’s Crime Book Junkie blog where she shares each book in the deals including her own brilliant book, Dead Wrong listed neatly with Buy, Share (please do) and Free Preview buttons.

Happy reading! Stay safe, stay at home.